10 new habits for weight loss and better health

They say it takes 3 weeks to successfully create a new habit, and positive habits can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

We have created a great list of ideas that can be easily adopted and turned into habits, that will help you on your way to better health and hitting your weight loss goals

1. Drink more

The easiest way to improve your general health and wellbeing is to stay hydrated. Simply starting your day with a glass of water can kickstart your metabolism and make you feel alert!

However, there are many drinks that include natural sugars or added sugars, with little to no nutritional value. This extra sugar can have a negative impact on your teeth and the extra calories can make it harder for you to maintain a healthy weight.

Water is the drink of choice as it is healthy, inexpensive and contains no sugars or calories.

You can increase your fluid intake by making a few new habits:

  • drink a glass of cold water, or a mug of warm water when you wake up
  • carry a water bottle, so you always have a drink available
  • add flavour by infusing water with natural ingredients, such as lemon, strawberries, mint, ginger or cucumber.
  • limit tea and coffee intake by swapping out every other cup with a glass of water
  • swap out sugary beverages for drinks that are low or no-calorie and contain no added sugar, like sparkling water and sugarless tea and coffees. This simple swap can help you avoid consuming empty calories and help reduce your sugar cravings.

Whatever beverages you choose, drinking 6-8 glasses per day is recommended for optimal hydration.

2. Sleep more

It may sound simple but getting enough sleep can have a dramatic impact on your body, physically and mentally.

When you sleep, your body repairs and restores nearly all areas of your body, allowing your body to perform at its best.

Getting enough sleep can help your body repair tissue and build muscle after exercise, reduce your appetite, give you more energy and improved mental clarity, so you can focus better on your goals and lose weight more effectively.

3. Have a protein-filled breakfast

If you find that you are snacking mid-morning or feeling hungry hours before lunchtime, you may benefit from eating some protein first thing.

We know that eating protein contributes to developing muscle when training, but eating protein also helps you feel fuller for longer, which can help you stay within your calorie goals and lead to more effective weight loss.

4. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead for your week, or next day can avoid unnecessary stress and unhealthy eating.

Some ideas include:

  • preparing healthy snacks
  • planning meals
  • making lunches for work
  • choosing outfits the night before

5. Eat your five-a-day

We are advised to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day, which can be fresh, frozen, tinned, dried and juiced.

The best way to eat your 5 portions every day is to aim for 1-2 portions per meal.

You can make simple changes such as adding fresh fruit and vegetables to your lunch, adding nuts and seeds to your cereal or serving up a few extra vegetables with your dinner.

6. Make it enjoyable

Exercising whilst listening to your favourite music, podcast or watching your new favourite TV series, can help your brain associate exercise as an being enjoyable hobby.

Eating healthier foods whilst your family and friends are eating a different meal isn't great for morale, so why not get them involved?

Try adding more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains for everyone, consider healthier alternatives to favourite treats,  and look online for some "fakeaway" recipes to replace your takeaway favourites!

7. Eat in moderation

Portion control is really important for ensuring that you are not eating extra calories and that you meet your daily requirements for carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and nutrients. You can try:

  • planning out portions ahead of time, to reduce consuming extra calories
  • consider using smaller plates to reduce how much you are eating at mealtimes
  • track your calories in a diary or by downloading a calorie-tracking app for your phone

8. Move little and often

Move your body as often as you can every day, from walking to the local shops, to taking the stairs instead of the lift.

Physically exercise helps your body burn fat, improve your mood and increase your fitness levels over time, so the more often you exercise, the faster you will see results.

According to the NHS, getting regular exercise can reduce your risk of:

  • coronary heart disease
  • stroke
  • type 2 diabetes
  • bowel cancer
  • breast cancer in women
  • osteoarthritis
  • hip fracture
  • depression
  • dementia

9. Out of sight, out of mind

Keeping any high-calorie treats hidden from view can reduce your desire to eat them, and you will enjoy them more when you do have them!

Try replacing your usual treats with healthier alternatives, such as fresh fruit, nuts and crunchy raw vegetables.

10. Forgive yourself

If you have a day when you don’t eat as well as you expected, or you didn’t make it to the gym, don’t let it get you down or feel guilty.

Try some positive thinking - think back to all of the days that you did really well, consider how far you have come and the goals you are working towards.

Most importantly, don’t let one bad day, unhealthy choice or skipped gym session throw you off track from achieving your goals.

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